Step 6: Available NORA order forms are displayed (optional)

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  • Existing order forms are displayed in the "NORA" tab in ETKA/PET2.
    NORA order form

On the ETKA/PET2 workstation:

  • Check the order form folder path in ETKA/PET2:

    Variant 1 – ETKA/PET2 and COMbox on the same system:
    For each brand in the ETKA/PET2 of the 24/7 system, the checkbox "Local" is activated under "MAINTENANCE > SETTINGS > NORA Order Form Configuration > NORA Order Forms store".
    NORA settings - local
    For each brand in the other ETKA/PET2 workstations, the checkbox "Path" is activated, the shared order form folder path on the 24/7 system is entered in the field "Path" in the format
    "\\COMPUTERNAME\*Brand abbreviation VA; SE; SK or PO*"
    and the credentials of the 24/7 system are entered in the fields "User" and "Password".
    NORA settings - path

    Variant 2 – COMbox on separate 24/7 system:
    For each brand in ETKA/PET2, the checkbox "Path" is activated under "MAINTENANCE > SETTINGS > NORA Order Form Configuration > NORA Order Forms store", the appropriate order form path of the COMbox is entered in the field "Path" in the format
    "\\COMPUTERNAME\*Brand abbreviation VA; SE; SK or PO*"
    and the credentials of the 24/7 system are entered in the fields "User" and "Password".
  • Check if the order form folder is shared with full control in the network.

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