
This site is a support and troubleshooting guide for COMbox and Messenger in use with ETKA/PET2 or pl24connect.

Prerequisite is the correct installation of COMbox and Messenger according to the installation manuals.

For ETKA/PET2, please refer to the manuals on ETKA - DMS communication using COMbox (DVD) Instructions.
For pl24connect, please refer to the manuals "Installation on the 24/7 System (PDF)" and "pl24connect – Installation and Configuration (PDF)“.

The site contains steps that instruct you to check a certain functionality and offers solutions for fixing problems. It is divided into the areas COMbox, ETKA/PET2, pl24connect and Messenger. There is also information on what to do if you need further support. You can jump to the relevant section by the table of contents on by using the dropdown menu on the left. The guide also covers the correct usage of NORA order forms in ETKA/PET2. The necessary steps for it are marked as "Optional".

Version notice: Version number of this troubleshooting guide is 1.4. It is valid for the following versions of the applications or higher: COMbox version 2.14.8, Messenger version, ETKA/PET2 version 8.5 and pl24connect

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Chart to see the system setup and relations for COMbox and ETKA/PET2

Chart to see the system setup and relations for COMbox and pl24connect

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