Additional Solution Steps

If the problem persists despite the solution options, follow these steps:

  • Gather the COMbox Connector logs (include the exact date/time of the error):
    = C:\ProgramData\LexCom\COMbox-Connector\ > Compress the folder "log".
  • Activiate the pl24connect logging in the tab Configuration. You can then find the log in the indicated directory.
  • Activate the Debug mode in ETKA/PET2: Press the key combination "Ctrl + Alt + D". This starts the Debug mode. Reproduce the error and note down the appropriate Debug messages.
  • Gather COMbox Messenger logs (include the exact date/time of the error):
     C:\Users\*current user name*\AppData\Roaming\COMboxMessenger > compress the logs.
  • For errors in the communication between COMbox and pl24connect, create a text file and rename it to "pl24Orders.log". Save this file in this directory:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\COMbox-Connector\plugins\orderclient
    Then, repeat the steps where the error occurs to receive a logging in this file.
  • Note down all actions done and send the information as well as the problem description and Customer ID to your responsible COMbox/ETKA/PET2/pl24connect support contact.
  • For DMS problems, ask your DMS support contact for assistance.
  • Contact your local ETKA/PET2 customer support.